The Sidi Saiyyed Mosque is located near lal derwaza in Ahmedabad, Gujarat; the mosque of Sidi Sayed is one of the most prominent mosques in Ahmedabad city. The mosque is built in 1573 is one of the most famous mosques of Ahmedabad city. As attested by the marble tablet permanent on the wall of the mosque, it was built by Sidi Saeed or SidiSaiyyed, an Abyssinian in the retinue of Bilal Jhajar Khan, general in the army of the last Sultan Shams-ud-Din Muzaffar Shah III of the Gujarat Sultanate.
The Sidi Saiyyed Jali was built in the last year of the existence of Sultanate of Gujarat. The mosque is totally actuated and is well-known for beautifully imprinted ten stone latticework windows on the side and rear arches. The rear wall is filled with square stone pierced panels in geometrical designs. The two bays flanking the central aisle have reticulated stone slabs carved in designs of entwined trees and plants and a palm pattern. This intricately imprinted lattice stone window is the Sidi Saiyyed Jali, the informal symbol of city of Ahmedabad and the motivation for the design of the logo of the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.
The Sidi Saiyyed Mosque central window curve of the mosque, where one would be expecting to see another intricate jali, is in its place walled with stone. This is perhaps because the mosque was not completed according to plan before the Mughals invaded Gujarat.
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